Call for Expressions of Interest: WA Health and Medical Research Strategy – Sector Advisory Panel

The WA Health and Medical Research Strategy 2023-33 outlines the priorities and direction of health and medical research for the state. The strategy leverages the distinct advantages and opportunities of WA’s unique geography and population to strengthen research capability across the sector.

To enable the implementation of the WA Health and Medical Research Strategy 2023-33, the Department of Health is establishing a Sector Advisory Panel to provide expert advice and support.

The Department of Health seeks Expressions of Interest (EOI) from suitable people, based in Western Australia, to represent the WA health system and medical research sector on the Panel, with at least one member appointed from each of the below areas:

  • Universities
  • Medical research institutes
  • Health service providers
  • Philanthropy
  • Innovation and/or med-tech
  • Consumer representative.

Preference will be given to people with significant experience or knowledge of one or more of the Strategy’s strategic focus areas:

  • Aboriginal health
  • Consumer engagement
  • Precision health
  • Regional and remote
  • Digital health
  • Prevention.

The Sector Advisory Panel meets approximately 2 times per year, and Panel members may also be required to participate in out of session activity. Member positions are unpaid and voluntary, with the exception of a consumer representative who will be reimbursed in accordance with Department policy. Member terms will be 2 to 3 years with the possibility of reappointment.

Please refer to the Sector Advisory Panel Terms of Reference (PDF 232KB)

/Public Release. View in full here.