How Australia supports democracy in our region will be examined in a new parliamentary inquiry.
The inquiry was referred by the Minister for Foreign Affairs the Hon Penny Wong, on 28 September to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade (JSCFADT) with the following Terms of Reference. The JSCFADT has tasked the Foreign Affairs and Aid Subcommittee to undertake this inquiry.
Chair of the Foreign Affairs and Aid Subcommittee Mr Josh Burns MP noted that “I am looking forward to leading this inquiry and hearing from expert witnesses about how we can support the role of civil society organisations working toward equitable participation in democracy and an open, free and independent media sector”.
“I encourage interested individuals and organisations to make submissions focused on Australia’s long-term interest in the region, and our common connection through shared democratic values, liberty, human rights and rules-based systems”.
The Committee requests initial submissions addressing the terms of reference to this inquiry by Friday, 11 November 2022.