Latest Defence News

ADF clay shooters on target
Ashurst advises on landmark UK Export Finance-guaranteed loan for supply of ex-Royal Navy minesweepers to Ukraine
Labor’s MIA In Perth On Mental Health Supports
Strengthening Anzac And PNG Bonds
Anzac Day Commemorated In Philippines
Australia exported $1.5 million worth of weapons to Israel in February 2024, fresh DFAT data shows
Join Us As Protective Service Officer At Geraldton
Anzac Spirit Lives On Against Adversity
Should Australia Be More Like Dundee Or Barty?
Anzac Day Connects Past With Present
Emotional day for personnel, veterans and families
Guardian Blessing In Skies
Undersea robots set to patrol and protect
Albanese Government delivers jobs boost in supporting naval capability
Targeting Threats In Wider Frontiers
Anzac Day Dawn Service
NSW honours the service and sacrifice of veterans on Anzac Day
Regional Towns Made Big Sacrifice For Australia
First Ahmadi Muslim to get Victoria cross; Muslims for Unity and Remembrance
US drugs regulator gives LSD ‘breakthrough’ status for treating anxiety – why this is so significant
Emergency personnel footy rivals team up for a special Anzac charity event
Department of Veterans’ Affairs – Australians Gather to Honour Anzac Day
$1.5 Million For Queensland ANZAC Infrastructure
Remembering Ngarrindjeri Anzacs
32,000 attend Anzac Day Dawn Service at Australian War Memorial
Emu plumes still worn with pride
Cecil set us a gold example
Minister Marles, Minister Keogh, Minister Conroy and Minister Thistlethwaite – Stop, pause and honour this Anzac Day
In Service Of Our Nation And Democracy
Stop, Pause And Honour This Anzac Day
Anzac Day 25 April
Paramedics reflect on their Defence Force service on Anzac Day
Chinese swimming scandal: a strong defence by world anti-doping body, but narrative of ‘cover-up’ remains
Moree Veterans Recognised For Their Service
Run Army Goes Global
Lest We Forget: South Australians Honour Anzac Legacy
Australian Marine Complex Reaches 21-year Milestone
Family Heroes Uncovered
New Therapy Dog For Katherine Hospital
Government invests $500 million in defence capability and delivers job boost
Resilient Bases To Shore Up North
Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher TV interview – ABC News Breakfast
Seven First World War Soldiers Identities Restored
Launch Of Disaster Relief Australia Wellbeing Study
Grant to help analysts provide clearest data for nations best defence
Family legacy honoured at Gallipoli
Australian Prime Minister Television interview – Sky News First Edition
Australian Prime Minister Television interview – Sunrise