Local residents are now invited to participate in Hawkesbury City Council’s open community consultation for the Pitt Town Community Precinct called Fernadell Park, either in person at a community drop in session, via an online survey or by post.
The community drop in session will be held at Fernadell Park, located at Fernadell Drive, Pitt Town on Saturday, 14 September, from 10am to midday, with Council staff and project consultants available on the day.
Bounded by Bootles Lane, Stables Street, Fernadell Drive, Buckingham Street, and private land to the east, Fernadell Park is being planned and will use developer contributions made to Council.
Feedback from the community consultation will help to prepare a Draft Masterplan for Fernadell Park which will facilitate the development of community, sport and recreational facilities within the Pitt Town Release Area.
Interested community members are encouraged to fill out an online survey at Council’s community engagement site, Your Hawkesbury Your Say at www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au It is also possible to share your ideas at www.yourhawkesbury-yoursay.com.au using the new ideas map.