Congratulations to Greater Bendigo’s Citizen of the Year and Young Citizen of the Year

The City is pleased to announce the 2025 Citizen of the Year is Glenda Serpell and the Young Citizen of the Year is Pollyanna Smith.

Glenda Serpell is the Founder and Director of the charity Sunshine Bendigo which she set up in 2016. Glenda leads a passionate team of volunteers who work tirelessly to provide support for families facing poverty or disadvantage, giving babies and children the chance to have a safe and healthy start in life.

To date, Sunshine Bendigo has had a positive impact on the lives of 7,484 children. Volunteers at Sunshine Bendigo collect, sort, clean and redistribute pre-loved baby goods and nursery equipment to families in need.

The charity also recently supported families in Rochester, Elmore and Echuca during the recent floods and now provides two deliveries each week to service agencies in that region.

Glenda’s commitment, drive and vision has ensured that Sunshine’s services are known to all local support agencies and a wide range of sponsors and supporters who are also committed to improving the lives of disadvantaged babies and children.

Pollyanna Smith is the recipient of the Young Citizen of the Year for her work as a volunteer in the community and her involvement in the Girl Guides Bendigo for the past ten years where she is now a Unit Leader for the 10 to 14 age group.

Pollyanna began as a guide helper at aged 13 and went on to assist with the development of Girl Guides Victoria’s Reconciliation Action Plan, participating in the working group as a youth member. As an adult, Pollyanna contributes to Victoria’s volunteer inclusion and diversity team, providing her valuable insights and perspectives. Pollyanna identifies as a Wiradjuri woman.

In 2022, Pollyanna was the first Girl Guide in the district in over 10 years to obtain the peak achievement award for youth in the organisation, the Queen’s Guide Award. This award recognises opportunities for personal growth and greater self-awareness and recipients are selected for their potential as future leaders.

The 19-year-old is a coach at Bendigo’s Cheer and Dance where she mentors young dancers and cheerleaders with enthusiasm, encouragement and care. Pollyanna has also joined the Dhelk Dja Regional Action Group.

Mayor Cr Andrea Metcalf said the City was delighted to honour these two outstanding local leaders.

“I wish to take this opportunity to congratulate Glenda Serpell and Pollyanna Smith on becoming the 2025 Citizen of the Year, and Young Citizen of the Year respectively. Both of you have made a significant contribution to the Greater Bendigo community in such positive ways,” Cr Metcalf said.

“These awards acknowledge your dedication and commitment to others and for the enthusiasm, drive and energy that you bring that is inspiring and heartwarming.”

/Public Release. View in full here.