Cook Government reaches final agreement for Murdoch Medihotel

  • Murdoch Square precinct officially opened today
  • Cook Government and Aegis Health reach a final agreement in negotiations for the Murdoch Medihotel
  • 80-bed Medihotel will be for patients across the State, and will free up higher acuity hospital beds

The Cook Government today announced it has reached a final agreement with Aegis Health for the new Murdoch Medihotel.

The State Government will operate the 80-bed Medihotel, located in Murdoch Square and adjacent to the State’s largest tertiary hospital Fiona Stanley Hospital.

The beds will provide additional hospital capacity and enable a range of innovative ways to deliver services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Medihotel will offer a range of nursing and medical led services including support for patients who no longer require hospital care but are not yet ready to return home.

It will provide a comfortable environment where patients can receive ongoing ’round the clock’ care which will be particularly beneficial for patients from regional Western Australia to recuperate away from a hospital environment.

The State Government has partnered with South Metropolitan Health Service, Development WA, Aegis Health and Hesperia to deliver the project.

The Medihotel is connected to Fiona Stanley Hospital via a 30-metre patient access bridge and will neighbour the new $1.8 billion Women and Babies Hospital.

As stated by Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson:

“It’s an exciting day for the Murdoch Health and Knowledge Precinct with the official opening of Murdoch Square and the State Government reaching a final agreement for the State’s new Medihotel.

“The Medihotel will provide a safe recovery alternative for appropriate cohorts who no longer need tertiary level care.

“The Cook Government is committed to provide a greater range of health services to the people of Western Australia and the Medihotel will do just that.”

/Public Release. View in full here.