Crashendo! Bairnsdale, a community music and social development program established in 2013, is one of 18 local community groups that will share in $56,102 funding to deliver community projects and events across East Gippsland Shire.
Crashendo! Bairnsdale and Save the Children Australia will collaborate to bring the ‘Little Squeaks and Whistles’ pilot program, a music and social development program to a range of early childhood settings.
“This pilot program aims to provide resources and skill development opportunities for educators so they are confident and skilled for the program to continue and flourish,” Crashendo! Bairnsdale coordinator Hilary Rigg said.
The Arts, Culture and Heritage grants stream awarded three arts projects totalling $14,200 across the shire, with Crashendo! Bairnsdale receiving $5,000 for its Music Makes a Difference project.
Mayor Cr Natalie O’Connell said there is a community value-adding aspect of the program with all funding provided on a dollar-for-dollar matching requirement.
“This means that Council funding helps generate further spending within the region and achieves more value for community than it would without these partnerships,” Cr O’Connell said.
The total combined project spend for the 21 community projects is more than $240,000.
“The objective of the grants program is to provide local community-based organisations the opportunity to access funding for a variety of needs and initiatives in a manner that is open, transparent and accountable,” Cr O’Connell said.
The 2018/2019 budget allocation for the Community Project Grants is $111,363 and Arts, Culture and Heritage Grants $45,000. This year round two received 37 applications.
The next round of grants for community, arts and heritage projects and events opens on June 5, 2019, and details can be found on the council website.
Community Project Grant recipients from Bairnsdale District:
All Come out to Play Network Group: $5,000 – All Come Out to Play project in remote communities.
Bairnsdale Bridge Club: $1,000 – annual congress event.
Bairnsdale Computer Club: $2,100 – technical equipment upgrade.
Bairnsdale Neighbourhood House: $1,350 – support groups for disadvantaged new parents.
Bairnsdale Recycling Enterprise: $4,750 – reducing waste to landfill mattress pick up service.
Crashendo! Bairnsdale: $4,500 – pilot music development and capacity building project.
East Gippsland United Football Club: $5,000 – Howitt Park irrigation.
Gippsland East Local Learning and Employment Network: $1,500 – artist in residence mural project.
Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association, $3,500 – NAIDOC Week community celebration.
Lake Tyers Health & Children’s Services: $1,000 – Friday Arvo Cooking Group.
Lindenow Recreation and Bowls Club: $4,995 – security fencing project around new green.
Lindenow Sports Ground Committee of Management: $2,460 – security fencing between ovals.
Marine Mammal Foundation: $4,000 – youth engagement program ‘Marine Champions’.
Omeo & District Agricultural & Pastoral Society: $1,764 – secretary’s office upgrade at showground.
Orbost Garden Club: $4,500 – 50th Birthday and Garden Clubs of Gippsland Conference.
Orbost Neighbourhood House: $1,133 – improving information technology.
Orbost Pony Club: $4,750 – all abilities toilet and shower at the Newmerella clubrooms.
RCE Gippsland: $2,800 – East Gippsland Sustainable School Expo, September 2019.
Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant recipients:
Bruthen Arts and Events Council: $5,000 for Mixed Bag Regenerating Bruthen art exhibition.
Crashendo! Bairnsdale: $5,000 – Music Makes a Difference project.
Nowa Nowa Community Development Group: $4,200 for Yarnfest event with local poets and storytellers.