Council calling on local community groups to update Community Director

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Swan Hill Rural City Council is reaching out to local not-for-profit community groups to update their details in the Council’s online Community Directory.

Director Development and Planning, Michelle Grainger said this comprehensive resource provides valuable information about a diverse range of community organisations, services, groups, and clubs within our municipality.

“The Community Directory is an essential tool for connecting residents with local groups and services. It offers eligible community groups the opportunity to create a free directory listing and promote their events on our website.

“By ensuring their information is current, local organisations can enhance their visibility and outreach within the community,” Ms Grainger said.

Ms Grainger said Council was encouraging all eligible community groups to take advantage of this opportunity.

“Updating your listing in the Community Directory not only helps us connect residents with the services and events they need, but it also supports our local groups in their efforts to engage with the community,” she said.

To view the Community Directory, click here.

To add or update a community listing click here.

/Public Release. View in full here.