Council Pushes to Save Windsor Community Children’s Centre

The City of Stonnington proudly joined Windsor Community Children’s Centre (WCCC) and State and Federal political leaders today to advocate for a tripartite funding solution to secure the centre’s future.

The loss of WCCC, which serves 80 local families, would have a profound impact on the local community, especially amid growing demand for early years services in the area.

Deputy Mayor of Stonnington, Cr Tom Humphries, joined elected officials, as well as candidates for the upcoming Prahran by-election and Federal elections, for a site tour and media event to jointly advocate to save WCCC.

“Council knows how much local families value this excellent facility, particularly given the struggle parents often face in finding quality child care,” Cr Humphries said.

“The centre provides essential early childhood development and care services to many families who rely on it.

“Council can’t afford to purchase the site alone, so we’re pushing for a partnership with State and Federal Governments to secure the centre and safeguard this vital service for families,” Cr Humphries said.

The land at 131-133 Union Street, Windsor is currently owned and managed by Swinburne University of Technology and contains a childcare centre, currently leased to WCCC.

The Victorian Government no longer needs the land, and Swinburne has requested it be rezoned for commercial and residential use to enable a private sale.

Council is dedicated to ensuring that WCCC remains at its current location, continuing to provide high-quality early years services for the community. Council has objected to the section of the site where WCCC is based being rezoned and is exploring options to jointly purchase the site with other levels of Government.

Councillor Humphries noted that “We are optimistic that we can find a solution with State and Federal Government colleagues for this important community site.”

Pictured: Stonnington Deputy Mayor Cr Tom Humphries speaking to media at WCCC today

/Public Release. View in full here.