Delivering Rural Hospital Beds In Huon Valley

Tasmanian Government

The Tasmanian Government is continuing to deliver better health services in our rural and regional areas with three sub-acute hospital beds officially secured at Dover Medical Centre.

The sub-acute beds are funded in partnership with Huon Valley Council and Huon Regional Care.

Minister for Health, Jacquie Petrusma, said the additional hospital beds are improving access to healthcare for the residents of Dover and its surrounds.

“These three hospital beds at Dover Medical Centre have been fully operational during a trial period, and I’m thrilled to formalise this service for the local community,” Minister Petrusma said.

“Rural hospital beds support patients and their families locally, and are an important complement to major urban hospitals.

“As part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future, the Tasmanian Liberal Government is funding, supporting and upgrading rural hospitals around the State so Tasmanians can get the healthcare they need in their community.”

Huon Valley Mayor, Sally Doyle, said access to medical services is a key concern in the region.

“Council is proud of the collaborative approach taken by the organisations and staff involved in securing this vital service,” Mayor Sally Doyle said.

“Additionally, the clinical opportunities available to doctors delivering the service will help Council to promote our medical practice and attract and retain doctors for the benefit of the whole community.”

Huon Regional Care CEO, David Brennan, said the Huon Regional Care is a long-term partner in providing access to sub-acute beds in the southern Huon Valley.

“The ability of local people to avoid a stay in the Royal Hobart Hospital and access a rural health bed in Dover or to have the option to step-down from the Royal to complete their treatment at Dover is critically important,” Mr Brennan said.

/Public Release. View in full here.