Depot Road site chosen for Heathcote Dog Park

Following a comprehensive public consultation process the Greater Bendigo City Council has decided that a new dog-park will be developed on Council owned land off Depot Road Heathcote.

City of Greater Bendigo Mayor Cr Margaret O’Rourke said three sites located in in Depot Road (A), Herriot Street (Option B) and Pink Cliffs Road (Option C) along with their strengths and limitations were presented to the community for consideration.

“The City sent out 2,000 information bulletins to Heathcote households, held two listening posts and displayed information boards at each site and in the City’s Heathcote office.

“The City received a total of 200 responses with the Depot Road site voted as the most preferred site, Cr O’Rourke said.

“People who supported the Depot Road location cited the dam for water play, trees for shade, availability of car parking and distance from the school and hospital as the main reasons for their preference.

The City has allocated funding in its 2019/20 Council Budget towards the project.

“Council has listened to the people and will now prepare detailed plans and costings for the site works. When this is complete we will advertise for contractors to undertake the construction of the park.”

Eppalock Ward Cr Yvonne Wrigglesworth said the project is an exciting one for Heathcote.

“We are looking forward to delivering a project that the community told us was something they really wanted for the township,” Cr Wrigglesworth said.

/Public Release. View in full here.