Disaster loans now available for South Burnett businesses and not-for-profits

Department of Home Affairs

Joint media release with the Hon Ann Leahy MP and the Hon Steve Minnikin MP

  • Concessional operational loans now available for flood affected businesses and not-for-profits in the South Burnett LGA.
  • Disaster Assistance Loans up to $250,000 and Essential Working Capital Loans up to $100,000.
  • Loans will help with the repair and recovery of equipment, loss of income, and the continuity of operations.

Flood affected businesses and not-for-profits in the South Burnett local government area can now apply for concessional operational loans to aid their recovery from sustained heavy rainfall and flash flooding.

Disaster Assistance and Essential Working Capital Loans provided by the Australian and Queensland Governments are available to assist with the repair and recovery of essential equipment, and for loss of income.

Disaster Assistance Loans up to $250,000 for eligible small businesses and up to $100,000 for eligible not-for-profits will help re-establish operations by covering costs relating to:

  • Repairing or replacing damaged plant and equipment
  • Repairing or replacing buildings
  • Resupplying stock needed for immediate trading

Essential Working Capital Loans up to $100,000 are also available to impacted small businesses and not-for-profits to help them carry on business operations, including paying salaries or wages, creditors, rent or rates.

The assistance is jointly funded through the Commonwealth-state Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).

Federal Minister for Emergency Management Jenny McAllister said the support was vital for the region’s full recovery.

“South Burnett businesses and not-for-profits have felt the full impacts of this wild weather,” Minister McAllister said.

“Making these loans available provides those eligible with the means to recover from this flooding and to continue their valued operations.

“Small businesses are central to the economy of local communities, and not-for-profits provide invaluable services, particularly to those vulnerable.

“It’s appropriate we support all efforts to keep their doors open in what is a very difficult time.”

Queensland Minister for Disaster Recovery Ann Leahy said the impacts of recent storms and flash flooding on the South Burnett community have been devastating.

“Initial assessments indicate many businesses in Kingaroy have been badly affected by severe storms this summer,” Ms Leahy said.

“Floodwater does not discriminate, and the impacts on not-for-profits has been equally damaging.

“This disaster assistance will greatly benefit South Burnett’s recovery and provides eligible businesses and not-for-profits a valuable option to support their recovery.

“Funding also remains available to the councils of Fraser Coast, Gympie, North Burnett, Somerset, and South Burnett for eligible counter disaster operations and the reconstruction of essential public assets.”

Queensland Small and Family Business Minister Steve Minnikin said the government would continue to support local businesses, long after the floodwaters have receded.

“We recognise that the road to recovery will be ongoing, and we remain dedicated to supporting these businesses that are so vital to the local economy and local jobs,” Minister Minnikin said.

“It’s been heartening to see the local communities banding together, but we need to ensure that support continues through the entire recovery from this flooding.”

For loan applications, contact QRIDA on 1800 623 946 or via
Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority.

More on DRFA assistance is available at
Disaster Assist or
Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

/Public Release. View in full here.