EPA asks community to use pesticides correctly when spraying mozzies


The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) understands the difficulties for communities recently affected by flooding posed by an increase of mosquitoes and other bugs.

The flooding – especially around the Lachlan River – has created conditions conducive to a rise in mosquito numbers and the EPA recognises the need for regional communities to protect their families and pets.

EPA Executive Director Regulatory Operations Carmen Dwyer said to keep families, community, and the environment safe, registered pesticides should only be used according to directions on the label.

“The safe spraying of mosquitoes is an important step in reducing their numbers,” Ms Dwyer said.

“However, pesticides must be used correctly otherwise they can be dangerous, especially to people animals and the environment.

“It’s also important to ensure you have the right licence or accreditation and that you maintain records for any commercial application of pesticides.”

Anyone with a concern, knowledge of an incident involving pesticide misuse or seeking

/Public Release.