On April 12, the NSW Government released the NSW Cancer Plan 2022 – 2027, a government strategy that sets out how the state will tackle cancer and improve outcomes over the next five years. Affecting one in every two people by the age 85, cancer is the community’s most important health priority, and this plan provides a solid foundation for reducing the enormous impact of cancer across the state.
Being a leading cancer charity that works across every aspect of every cancer, Cancer Council welcomes the announcement to help the 51,000 people that will be diagnosed with cancer this year in NSW.
The plan recognises that achieving a cancer free future requires cooperation and work across different organisations and communities.
Here are some of the ways that Cancer Council NSW is working to deliver the NSW Cancer Plan 2022-27.
1. Support services
We provide support services to people affected by cancer through our 13 11 20 Information and Support line, financial assistance, counselling, legal support and practical support.
2. Information about cancer
We ensuring people affected by cancer have access to accurate information about cancer through resources like our podcasts and information booklets.
3. Helping people reduce their risk of cancer
One in three cancers can be prevented through making cancer-smart choices. Cancer Council NSW’s programs can help people to quit smoking and be SunSmart.
4. Promoting cancer screening
As part of our commitment to saving lives, we educate people through community engagement activities across NSW about the importance of participating in the bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening programs.
5. Research
In the last financial year Cancer Council NSW invested $16.8 million into cancer research and is continuing to fund life-saving research.
The five-year plan has been developed by the Cancer Institute NSW with the help of individuals and organisations across the state, including Cancer Council NSW