An update on the flood recovery, including information on the installation of temporary flood markers, muck-outs, and kerbside waste collection.
Kerbside collection of hard waste
Council’s kerbside collection of hard waste in Machans Beach, Holloways Beach, Yorkeys Knob, Caravonica, Kamerunga, and Lake Placid will end tomorrow (19 January).
Collection of hard waste from affected properties will continue via request and site assessment.
If there are people outside of those areas who were affected by the flooding and believe they need hard waste pick up, they should contact Council.
Temporary flood markers installed
Temporary flood markers have been installed at Kamerunga Bridge, Lake Placid and Thomatis Creek Bridge.
The river height makers at these three locations were either damaged or washed away during the December flood.
The temporary markers will assist Council in monitoring river heights and provide critical information should there be additional flooding in coming weeks.
Flood markers form an important role in keeping the community informed about potential risks and help inform residents of flood heights relevant to the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) forecasts and warnings.
Clean up advice for Holloways Beach, Yorkeys Knob, Machans Beach and Caravonica
Council will provide eligible residents in Holloways Beach, Yorkeys Knob, Machans Beach and Caravonica whose homes were inundated during the December floods with free clean-up assistance.
Contractors have been engaged to start muck-outs for eligible property owners, which will include the removal of flood affected materials, mud and debris.
Eligible property owners in affected areas have been contacted by Council.
However, if residents in affected areas believe they qualify for a muck-out, they should contact Council on 1300 69 22 47 by 4pm on Tuesday 23 January.
Stay informed
Residents are reminded that they can review details about financial assistance and other recovery information on the Cairns Disaster Dashboard.
The Cairns Disaster Dashboard has two tabs (available at the top left): the General Dashboard for emergency news, power and road updates and weather warnings; while the Community Relief tab is dedicated to recovery information, including financial assistance, public health and support services.