- $5 million package to go to north-west Queensland communities affected by recent floods
- Funding to support disaster recovery, as well as targeted mental health and wellbeing services
- Funding being provided through Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA)
A new $5 million package to help pay for community recovery costs and resilience initiatives, as well as ramp up mental health support, is now available for Queenslanders impacted by recent disaster events in the state’s flood-affected north-west.
Local Recovery and Resilience Grants of $1 million are available to the councils of Boulia, Burke, Carpentaria and Doomadgee ($4 million total) to assist with recovery and support locally-led resilience initiatives.
A $1 million Community Mental Health Package will also deliver targeted mental health and wellbeing services to people in the areas of Boulia, Burke, Carpentaria, Doomadgee and Mount Isa.
This assistance is jointly funded by the Albanese and Palaszczuk Governments through Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
This $5 million assistance package complements a range of assistance already available to councils, communities, primary producers and small businesses impacted by this season’s monsoonal flooding.
Quotes attributable to Federal Minister for Emergency Management, Murray Watt:
Both the Albanese and Palaszczuk Governments recognise the economic and social pressures this disaster has placed on rural and remote communities.
The Local Recovery and Resilience Grants can be used to meet immediate recovery needs, upgrade damaged community infrastructure, purchase equipment critical to community response, or help build back to a more resilient standard.
The $1 million investment in mental health and wellbeing will deliver additional services and programs to Queensland’s north-west to support individuals, families and business owners who are doing it tough.
We were on the ground to deliver clean up and emergency repair support to councils, along with individual payments to get residents back on their feet.
Now, as recovery progresses, this package will enable those hardest-hit councils to lead initiatives that will reduce the impact of an event like this in the future.
Quotes attributable to Queensland Deputy Premier Steven Miles:
Every disaster is different, and so are the needs of communities when recovering from disaster events.
Last month I visited flood-affected parts of north-west Queensland with QRA CEO Major General Jake Ellwood (Retd), and the discussions we had with local mayors and community leaders were invaluable for us in understanding the further support required.
This assistance will aid the on-ground recovery efforts that are progressing and improve access to care for personal wellbeing.
These floods were record-breaking, and the road ahead will be long, but with support packages like this $5 million investment, the Palaszczuk and Albanese Governments are making sure every Queenslander feels supported in their time of need.
Additional information:
This $5 million funding announcement is additional to a range of assistance measures already available to these north-west Queensland communities under the DRFA, including:
- Immediate hardship payments, with more than $231,000 so far distributed to approximately 1,130 people.
- Grants of up to $75,000 and low interest loans of up to $250,000 for eligible primary producers.
- Grants of up to $50,000 and loans of up to $250,000 for eligible small businesses and not-for-profit organisations.
- A $6 million coordinated livestock support and disposal package, including fodder drops.
- Reimbursement for council costs incurred in counter disaster operations like setting up disaster evacuation centres.
- Funding for the restoration of essential public assets such as damaged roads, floodways and bridges.
A full summary of disaster support available to Queenslanders, including Personal Hardship Assistance, can be found at www.qld.gov.au/disasterhelp.
Additional information on disaster assistance can be found at www.disasterassist.gov.au and www.qra.qld.gov.au.