Port Stephen
Come along to one of the many locations set up across Port Stephens for a free hot meal or BBQ for affected community members.
Motto Farm Motel, 2285 Pacific Highway, Heatherbrae
Saturday and Sunday
Breakfast, lunch, main meal and dessert
Karuah Centre, 393 Tarean Road, Karuah.
Saturday 11:00am to 1:00pm
Hot meals
Lemon Tree Passage Mens Shed, 1195 Lemon Tree Passage, Mallabula.
Saturday and Sunday 8:00am to 12:00pm
Sausage and bacon sandwiches
Raymond Terrace Community Church, 10 Richardson Road, Raymond Terrace.
Saturday and Sunday 8:00am to 10:00pm
Food and hot drinks
/Public Release. View in full here.