The Rockliff Liberal Government is continuing to support fishers across the state, through delivering the Better Fishing Grants and encouraging applications for the next funding round.
Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jo Palmer, said the Better Fishing Grants are a community focussed initiative, providing grants of up to $150,000 for facilities to improve recreational marine fishing opportunities in Tasmania.
“The Tasmanian Association for Recreational Fishing (TARFish) and the Musselroe Bay Community are the most recent recipients of funding from the third round of grants.” Minister Palmer said.
“The Better Fishing Grant program is providing improved access and enhanced fishing experiences for our community, with funding going towards TARFish’s remote Weather Station Network, which will allow fishers to find information on real time local sea conditions, and a new fishing pontoon for the Musselroe Bay community.”
“A number of other projects across Tasmania have already been funded from previous rounds of the grants, under the Rockliff Liberal Government’s $2 million commitment, to make recreational fishing more accessible as part of the Recreational Sea Fishing Strategy.
“Over $500,000 has already been granted through three rounds of funding, with new grant rounds opening on February 23.”
The Rockliff Liberal Government is investing in the infrastructure our communities need so they can have the best recreational fishing experience possible.