GRDC Wants To Hear From Mid North Grain Growers


Grain growers from South Australia’s Mid North will have an opportunity to influence GRDC research, development and extension (RD&E) priorities at a series of events in the first week of March.

GRDC National Grower Network (NGN) forums will be held at Burra on Tuesday 4 March followed by Freeling and Owen on Wednesday 5 March. Local growers, researchers, advisers, agronomists and industry representatives are all encouraged to attend and contribute.

Each meeting will include a presentation by guest speaker Pinion Advisory farm business management consultant James Hillcoat on farm business benchmarking in relation to managing profit and risk.

“These meetings are a great opportunity for growers to help direct how GRDC invests grower levy contributions,” said GRDC Grower Relations Manager – South Rebekah Starick.

“Each local session allows stakeholders to raise ideas, concerns and opportunities directly with GRDC, based on their first-hand experience, seasonal conditions and regional constraints.”

The NGN is an important channel for growers and advisers to engage directly with GRDC and help direct locally relevant RD&E investments to support productivity and profitability on farm.

In recent NGN forums around the Mid North, growers have raised their concerns about summer weed management, controlling three corner jack (spiny emex) in lentil paddocks and improving spray practices to optimise applications and minimise drift.

This input has directly led to new GRDC investments aimed at improving understanding and management of these issues. Recent challenging seasonal conditions in 2024 are likely to bring a range of new topics to the fore.

Ms Starick said it is always important for growers and advisors to be part of their local meeting.

“Not only are you able to raise issues that are impacting your profits, but there’s also the opportunity to discuss farming conditions with your peers, meet local RD&E practitioners and chat to GRDC representatives.

“So, if you haven’t attended an NGN forum before, or haven’t been to one in a while, you should definitely plan to come along.”

The NGN forums at Owen, Freeling and Burra are free of charge and will be led by Grower Relations Managers Ms Starick and Tim Bateman.

Registration is essential and refreshments will be provided.

Event details

/Public Release. View in full here.