Greens and Labor Target Small Businesses with Another New Tax Threat

Liberal Party Victoria

Today the Greens and their candidate for Prahran, Angelica Di Camillo, announced their latest proposal for a commercial vacancy tax that will further harm small businesses already struggling with rising costs and Labor’s 56 new or increased taxes.

Labor’s decade in power has seen 56 new or increased taxes, breaking their 2014 election promise of no new or increased taxes.

The Greens’ misguided 2% tax on vacant commercial properties will significantly damage retail precincts like Chapel Street and discourage investment in Melbourne’s CBD. It unfairly targets hardworking small business owners and investors.

Many Chapel Street traders have only just recovered from Labor’s lockdowns, which saw vacancy rates in the famous fashion shopping street close to 20%.

This is yet another tax that the traders cannot afford.

This tax will hinder efforts to revitalise Chapel Street and Melbourne’s CBD by discouraging investment, stifling economic growth, and creating fewer much-needed jobs.

The government should be supporting local business growth, not punishing those already doing it tough.

As stated by Brad Battin MP, Leader of the Opposition:

“Labor and the Greens have made Victoria the highest taxed state – it shouldn’t be this hard to run a small business.”

“The Liberals and Nationals will give Victorians a fair go, rewarding effort and letting people keep more of what they earn.”

As stated by Rachel Westaway, Liberal Candidate for Prahran:

“Prahran residents want Chapel Street to return to being an iconic, vibrant, safe and successful shopping street.”

“Angelica Di Camillo and the Greens do not care about small businesses. This misguided tax will only hurt our wonderful Chapel Street traders.”

“I am a local, experienced, professional businesswoman who understands the pressures our local traders face.”

“Saturday the 8 February is your opportunity to vote for the change that Prahran needs.”

/Public Release. View in full here.