Wellington Shire Council would like to hear from residents on the future of Wellington Shire and its communities.
Following the launch of Future Wellington last month, Council has now opened up its community engagement platform Your Wellington Your Say and is urging the community to have their say.
Community engagement will be key to guiding the long-term planning and review of five key documents that will steer Council’s decision-making until 2050.
These documents include the Community Vision – led by the local community, the four-year Council Plan 2025-2029 – which details projects aligned with the community vision, 10 year Asset Plan, 10 year Financial Plan, and the Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan – outlining the community outcomes and health priorities for the next four years.
Council is keen to understand from residents about their vision for the future of Wellington Shire in 2050 and if the current focus areas of Environment, Economy, Liveability, and Services are still appropriate or whether the community’s needs have changed over the last four years.
Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ian Bye said that Council is working with the community for a reason, and we are ready to meet with local people to understand their needs and priorities.
“We are committed to an open and honest engagement process, and we need input from locals to make sure we are travelling in the direction our community needs. Participation is important, and it only takes a few minutes to share your thoughts. Whether you fill out a survey, attend a workshop, enter the photo competition, or simply chat to us when we’re out and about, we encourage everyone to get involved through the many channels listed on the Your Wellington Your Say website.
Through this process, we want to make sure that all voices are heard, and the community feels involved and valued, helping us to shape a future that we can all be proud of. This is your chance to have a say.” Cr Bye said.
How to get involved
From 1 July to 31 August 2024, the community is invited to share their views and engage via Council’s online community engagement platform, Your Wellington Your Say.
Survey: A quick and easy survey is available online to gather input on goals and priorities about Wellington’s future and ways to help community members live happy and healthier lives. By participating, residents will have a chance to win one of four $50 VISA gift vouchers.
Postcard feedback: Future Wellington Postcards will be available at Council Customer Service Centres in Sale and Yarram, Wellington Shire library branches and at participating businesses and community spaces throughout the Shire. Simply fill out the postcard and return to a collection box or take a photo and upload it to Your Wellington Your Say.
Collection boxes will be located in Yarram, Woodside, Licola, Coongulla, Port Albert, Golden Beach, Seaspray, Gormandale, Loch Sport, Tinamba, Dargo, Briagolong, Maffra, Heyfield, Rosedale, Stratford, Longford, Wurruk and Sale. Exact locations are listed on the Your Wellington Your Say online portal.
Attend the Future Wellington Roadshow: Council will be hosting a series of face-to-face workshops between 1 July and 31 August to discuss goals and priorities and hear from the community directly.
In-person workshop – Sale, Longford, Wurruk and Surrounds
Tuesday 23 July 2024, 6pm to 8pm
Wellington Room, Port of Sale (Wellington Centre), 70 Foster St in Sale
In-person workshop – Heyfield, Maffra, Rosedale and Surrounds
Wednesday 24 July 2024, 10am to 12 noon
Heyfield Hall, 34 MacFarlane St in Heyfield
In-person workshop – Yarram, Port Albert and Surrounds
Thursday 25 July 2024, 1pm to 3pm
Yarram Hub, 156 Grant St in Yarram
In-person workshop – Coastal Communities and Surrounds
Tuesday 13 August 2024, 1pm to 3pm
Golden Paradise Beach Community Centre, Surf Edge Drive in Golden Beach
In-person workshop – Stratford, Briagolong and Surrounds
Thursday 15 August 2024, 3pm to 5pm
Stratford Library, 70 Tyers St in Stratford
Online workshop
Tuesday 30 July 2024, 6.30-7.30pm via Zoom
Online workshop
Thursday 1 August 2024, 6.30-7.30pm via Zoom
Online workshop
Saturday 24 August 2024, 10am – 11am via Zoom
Meet the Future Wellington team at a market or event: Council staff will be available to chat about Future Wellington and help the community participate at the following markets and events:
- Rotary Club of Maffra Community Market – Sunday 7 July 2024, 8am-12.30pm
- Rosedale IGA Street Stall – Saturday 3 August, 9am-1pm
- The Middle of Everywhere Gippsland Rally – Friday 9 August 2024, 4-7pm
- Gormandale Craft and Produce Market – Saturday 17 August 2024, 10am-2pm
Registration for workshops can be made via TryBooking by visiting Your Wellington Your Say.
Other engagement activities include pop-up events, a drawing competition, photo/video competition, or hosting a guided conversation with community groups.