A project is underway to restore the Jan Juc Creek to a more natural state by removing underground drainage infrastructure and recreating the creek channel, known as daylighting.
The Jan Juc Creek daylighting project stage two works have commenced, with designs underway.
The project includes restoring habitat, biodiversity and amenity values, as well as delivering significant stormwater quality improvements. The inclusion of a wetland area will allow for filtration of stormwater and improve the quality of water flowing into the ocean.
Stage one works, completed in 2015, focussed on a section of the creek stretching about 230 metres west of Torquay Boulevard to the fork on Jan Juc Creek Reserve. The stage two works will continue from the fork on Jan Juc Creek to Duffields Road.
“It is fantastic to see this project progressing and allowing more of the Jan Juc Creek to be restored,” Surf Coast Shire Cr Kate Gazzard said.
“With the creek running through the middle of Jan Juc this reserve is used by locals all the time. To see it being returned to its natural state with native and indigenous vegetation is great for local wildlife as well,” she said.
“Thanks to the Friends of the Jan Juc Creek Reserve who approached Council with the initial idea in 2012.”
Stage two works will include:
- Removing an old low flow drainage pipe, returning surface flows to the creek.
- Reforming the creek banks.
- Replanting indigenous vegetation.
- Constructing a wetland upstream of Duffields Road.
Construction works are expected to commence in the second half of 2024.
The project was identified at the 2018 Barwon Integrated Water Management Forum. Funding of $700,000 from Department of Environment, Energy and Climate Action (DEECA) has enabled stage two works to commence.