Justine Clarke and Barunga students show how life is sweet, at Shordi Krik

The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF)

At Shordi Krik (Shorty Creek), life is sweet. At least, that’s what students from Barunga Remote Community School in the Northern Territory say. The Indigenous Literacy Foundation (ILF) were proud to launch Shordi Krik at the Barunga Festival, a celebration of Indigenous music, sport and cultural activities. Students from Barunga School performed the song with award winning entertainer, author and ILF Lifetime Ambassador Justine Clarke.

“The kids in Barunga are talented songwriters and illustrators, and have developed the words and illustrations to create this book, Shordi Krik, from their own experiences. It has been an absolute pleasure to support these kids over the last seven years to help develop their story into a song and now into a beautiful published book,” said Justine Clarke.

Written and illustrated in workshops run by Justine Clarke and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, this book is bilingual in Kriol and English, and takes readers on a journey to a local creek where the students play and swim.

The gorgeous illustrations for this book were inspired by digital workshops produced by Alison Lester AM, who is also a Lifetime Ambassador for the ILF.

Included on the back cover of the book is a QR Code to the song on digital streaming services, released through ABC Music.

Sung in English and Kriol, everyone will be singing along with this joyful song and learning more about life in Barunga as they go!

Copies of the book were given out to the Community and sold to festival-goers all weekend long!

Shordi Krik (published by the Indigenous Literacy Foundation). Available now via the ILF online shop and all good bookstores – RRP$24.99 Hardback. Ages 3+

/Public Release.