Labor Needs To Come Clean About Salmon Farms

Australian Greens

Labor needs to come clean about its intentions for the polluting salmon farms that are driving the Maugean Skate to extinction, the Greens say.

“Prime Minister Albanese needs to come clean here,” Greens Senator for Tasmania Senator Nick McKim said.

“Is he going to keep backing the profits of foreign fish farm corporations or will he take action to protect the Maugean Skate from extinction?”

“The EPBC Act isn’t fit for purpose but not for the Prime Minister’s stated reasons. The reason it’s not fit for purpose is that it doesn’t protect the environment.”

“Labor cannot continue to walk both sides of the street. The science is in and salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour is driving the skate to extinction.”

“Labor can either continue defending foreign corporate profits, or they can act to protect the Macquarie Harbour ecosystem and save an iconic Tasmanian fish species from extinction.”

/Public Release. View in full here.