Canberrans want more homes to buy and rent, and they want to see more public, community and affordable housing.
The ACT Government has a practical plan to get it done.
The Indicative Land Release Program for 2024-25 through to 2028-29 outlines the land releases that will enable 21,422 new homes to be built.
Our population is set to reach 500,000 people by the end of 2027, and the Government is planning to cater for this growth in demand through additional housing in new suburbs such as Macnamara in Ginninderry, Jacka in Gungahlin and Denman Prospect, Whitlam and the future Molonglo Town Centre in the Molonglo Valley.
More than 866,000m2 of land is scheduled for release over the next five years to support the growing population and anticipated new homes.
This will include land release for a diverse range of housing from single-residential through to townhouses and multi-unit homes.
The Indicative Land Release Program also includes mixed use, commercial, industrial and community uses with close to 97,000m2 of this land to be released in 2024-25.
In particular, the 2024-25 land release includes sites with requirements for 608 dedicated community, public, or affordable homes.
The Indicative Land Release Program is part of the Housing and Homes wellbeing initiative.
Quotes attributable to ACT Chief Minister, Andrew Barr:
Canberrans want more homes to buy and rent. The ACT Government has a practical plan to get it done.
Through this plan, the Government will continue to work with the private sector to be able to meet our ambitious housing goals and support further growth. Developments in existing areas on privately owned land will continue to play a role in developing our city.
Canberra is a fantastic place to live which is why we’re seeing tremendous population growth projected. This plan aims to provide more housing for Canberrans, where they want to live.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Planning, Chris Steel:
The district strategies, recently released as part of the ACT’s new planning system, help to inform where growth can still occur and, critically, where the ACT Government could intervene to facilitate and direct this growth.
Working towards delivering 70 percent of new housing within our existing urban footprint, we will continue to plan for housing and land release around key precincts, rapid transport corridors and shops close to services.
We are balancing the need for more housing supply whilst maintaining a great quality of life for all Canberrans.
We will continue work on the design guidance necessary to enable more housing where people want to live, including well designed low-rise ‘missing middle’ homes like duplexes, townhouses, row houses in established and new suburbs.
Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Yvette Berry:
This year’s ACT Budget prioritises increasing housing supply for all Canberrans, especially those experiencing disadvantage.
Importantly, this year’s ILRP empowers Community Housing Providers to deliver more social and affordable homes, with 608 community, public and affordable homes have been committed in the first year alone.
Commonwealth projects like the National Housing Accord and the Housing Australia Future Fund further contribute to a diverse and growing housing spectrum.