Latrobe City Council Endorses the Release of the Public Toilet Plan

Latrobe City Council endorsed the release of the Public Toilet Plan to the public at the most recent Council meeting, following a community consultation process.

The objective of the Latrobe City Council Public Toilet Plan is to provide equitable, safe, accessible, well maintained, and sustainable public toilet infrastructure throughout the municipality to support community participation and social inclusion.

Public consultation was open for six weeks earlier this year with 64 submissions received during the engagement. As a result of this feedback, officers recommended seven changes be made to the Plan.

These changes have increased the total estimated capital works budget required from $3.81 million to $4.82 million over the life of the Plan (based on 2022/23 costings).

Recommendations included:

  • Increasing the level of cleaning services
  • Supplying adult incontinence bins in accessible cubicles
  • Obtaining usage data via electronic counters for facilities currently listed for decommission
  • Consider providing toilets on popular walking tracks
  • Ensuring clear and accurate signage is displayed at all locations
  • Adding the construction of more toilet facilities to the Plan
  • The retention of the toilet at the Albert Deppeler Memorial Tennis Courts, Yinnar South

Mayor of Latrobe City Council, Councillor Kellie O’Callaghan, said that the Public Toilet Plan will create a more secure public toilet infrastructure that all community members can rely on.

“No matter where our community members are in the region, access to a clean, safe toilet is a basic human need. This Plan will contribute to community health and wellbeing by providing an accessible network of toilets located in high activity areas for people to use when out in the community.

“The delivery of this Plan also has the potential to increase visitation to activity centres for longer periods of time and will improve the visitor experience.”

The Implementation Plan will be reviewed in five years to ensure it continues to reflect the current needs of the community.

To view the Public Toilet Plan, including its new recommendations, visit Council’s website here:

/Public Release. View in full here.