Latrobe City Council endorses revised Draft Recreation Reserve and Facilities Signage Policy

Council endorsed the revised Recreation Reserve and Facilities Signage Policy (Policy) at the June Council Meeting.

The Policy aims to guide a consistent approach to signage at all Council owned or managed Recreation Reserves and Facilities.

The Policy was initially endorsed in 2019 for three years to address restrictions associated with displaying promotional signage in areas designated as Public Park and Recreation Zone, and Public Use Zone, per the Latrobe Planning Scheme.

The Policy is applicable to approximately 60 facilities across Latrobe City, including sport grounds, pavilions, toilets, buildings, and User Group infrastructure within Recreation Reserves.

A consultation process was undertaken with User Groups of Recreation Reserve and Facilities, with a total of 14 submissions received across two drafted versions of the Policy. These submissions advised of several points which required addressing in the revised Policy, including clarifying criteria and minor amendments.

Mayor of Latrobe City, Councillor Darren Howe, said the revised Policy will support the social, cultural, and economic needs of those who use the facilities and the local community.

“The ability to raise revenue through sponsorship contributes to the successful operation of these facilities, supporting engagement, participation, volunteerism and increasing social connections within the community,” said the Mayor.

“This Policy also enables local businesses to promote their operations to the community, encouraging connection and spending within Latrobe City.”

To view the Latrobe City Recreation Reserve and Facilities Signage Policy, visit Council’s website here:

/Public Release. View in full here.