Legal assistance for those affected by bushfire crisis

Australian Bar Association

The Australian Bar Association on behalf of its members expresses its deep sympathies to those affected by the bushfire crisis across the country.

It acknowledges the tragic loss of life; the many properties that have been destroyed in the fires and the devastating impact on our natural environment.

We extend our gratitude to the fire fighters and volunteers for their tireless and heroic efforts to combat the fires and to provide assistance to those in need.

Our thoughts are with communities around Australia who remain under threat, as well as those beginning the long process of recovery and rebuilding homes, businesses and infrastructure. For many, that process will involve navigating complex insurance and legal issues at an already difficult and stressful time.

The Bar is seeking to continue to serve communities on these dark of days by lending our expertise to provide prompt legal assistance to those in need.

The Australian Bar Association is encouraging all members to volunteer to provide legal assistance to bushfire victims on a pro bono or reduced fee basis.

State Bar Associations are working with others across the legal profession to register practitioners willing to provide pro bono legal support to those needing legal help following the fires.

We thank members for the generous offers of assistance already received and ask members to please look out for communications from your local Bar Association and consider how you too may be able to help at this time.

Legal Assistance help lines


Call LawAccess NSW Disaster Response Hotline 1800 801 529 or go to


Call Disaster Legal Help Victoria on 1800 113 432 for free legal information, advice and referrals, or visit the website at


The Bushfires phone line is 1300 004 924 and the website is:

Western Australia

Should it become necessary for the WA Disaster Legal Response Plan to be activated, it will be through WA Legal Aid and the email is:

/Public Release.