Liberal Democrats unwavering in our support for MardiGrass

Liberal Democrats Senator Duncan Spender says he is proud of the party for continuing to support and attend the largest cannabis festival in Australia.

“MardiGrass has been held over the weekend in Nimbin, and volunteers and staff from the Liberal Democrats have once again attended the celebrations,” he said.

“The Liberal Democrats have supported the legalisation of cannabis for adults for all uses since our inception.

“Our record on cannabis speaks for itself: we introduced a Bill to remove all cannabis prohibition at the Commonwealth level, while our members of parliament in WA and Victoria are fighting to legalise it at the state level.

“The reality is, the illegality of cannabis turns otherwise law-abiding Australians into criminals. It puts those who toke in jail alongside violent criminals. It diverts police resources from real crime. And it props up organised crime.

“Government should simply keep cannabis out of the hands of minors, prevent adverse effects on others, and advise of health risks, like they do with alcohol and tobacco.

“It’s high time Australia legalised cannabis,” Senator Spender concluded.

/Public Release.