Liberals intent on division and in-fighting instead of providing crucial care for terminally ill Tasmanians

Tasmanian Labor
  • Deep-seated, bitter division on public display as Liberals focus on themselves
  • Conservative government Members peddling propaganda instead of focusing on important reform
  • Gutwein has lost control of his Ministry as MPs publicly undermine him
  • Premier Peter Gutwein’s
    government is publicly airing it’s entrenched, ingrained division yet again
    with a revolving door of MPs doing anything possible to derail next week’s
    important, landmark debate on voluntary assisted dying.

    Following the efforts of
    Attorney-General Elise Archer and Minister Michael Ferguson, Liberal Member for
    Braddon Felix Ellis has now joined a chorus openly undermining the Premier’s
    commitment to debate the VAD Bill next week.

    Shadow Health Minister
    Bastian Seidel said Mr Ellis had shown he was not only determined to stoop to
    any level to derail the Bill and highlight bitter divisions within the Gutwein
    Government, he had demonstrated that, like his colleagues, he is deeply,
    dangerously misinformed.

    “It is irresponsible of
    Members of Parliament like Mr Ellis – who claims to represent his community – to
    peddle his personal views on an issue that is so important to all Tasmanians,” Dr
    Seidel said.

    “Mr Ellis and his
    colleagues who agree with him are ignoring the fact that the VAD Bill is the
    safest in Australia, they are ignoring evidence and they are refusing to listen
    because they believe their personal views are more important.

    “What’s telling about this
    behaviour is that it not only does a huge disservice to terminally ill
    Tasmanians who are unable to find answers in palliative care, it highlights a
    government that is at war with itself.

    “It’s time for Mr Gutwein to step in, put a stop to it and restore some compassion and care by his government in this critical debate.

    “It’s time for him to stand up to his Ministers and Members who are determined to rip apart a sound and sensible Bill and get on with the important job of delivering on this vital issue.”

    Bastian Seidel MLC

    Shadow Health Minister

    /Public Release. View in full here.