New Sign At Jackson Court Shopping Centre

Manningham Council

The Jackson Court Traders Association has seen the launch of its first initiative – a welcoming new sign at Jackson Court Shopping Centre.

Formed just over a year ago, the Jackson Court Traders Association advocates for its businesses, collaborates with Council, pursues funding opportunities and creates initiatives to promote the popular activity centre.

Jackson Court has more than 90 businesses, making it one of Manningham’s busiest and most vibrant centres.

The new sign on Doncaster Road is designed to showcase the mix of local businesses and advertise the centre.

Manningham Council supports activity centres with infrastructure upgrades, business support and planning. At Jackson Court, we’ve helped establish the traders’ association with registration, governance, communication and business development support.

President of the Jackson Court Traders Association, Con Valsamis said the sign brings a new look and increased advertising space for businesses at the centre.

“As a group, we have so many ideas on ways to continue improving this important shopping district. This new signage is a big step towards us achieving these goals,” Mr Valsamis said.

“A big thank you to my fellow committee members for their passion and dedication and to Manningham Council for their support in setting up our traders association.”

“We want to bring this area to life and really show people what we at Jackson Court have to offer,” Mr Valsamis added.

You can follow Jackson Court Traders Association on Instagram @jacksoncourt.doncaster.

/Public Release. View in full here.