New user-focused guide for establishing or changing levies

A new industry-focused guide will provide practical, step-by-step guidance to support the agriculture, fisheries and forestry sectors in establishing or changing levies.

First Assistant Secretary of Agricultural Policy, Cassandra Kennedy, said the department worked with stakeholders to prepare the new guide which replaces the 2009 Levy Principles and Guidelines.

“The new Levy guidelines: How to establish or amend agricultural levies deliver on the Australian Government’s commitment to review the 2009 Levy Principles and Guidelines, and to support industries to invest in their own futures,” Ms Kennedy said.

“Industry overwhelmingly called for new guidance that sets out the processes for establishing a new levy or changing an existing levy, and helps, rather than hinders, industry to establish or amend levies.

“Australia’s $800 million-plus agricultural levy system enables primary producers to take collective industry action on shared issues.

“Clearer, contemporary guidance will empower industries to respond more readily to opportunities, challenges and market changes.

“It will also remove any surprises from the process of establishing or changing a levy.

“The department has taken a user-centric approach to develop a guide that supports industries to effectively design, consult on, and submit a persuasive and practical levy proposal.

“This includes allocating a case manager within the department to provide a single point of contact for industry.

“Now industry will be better equipped to prepare for and participate in industry consultation-resulting in a stronger focus on quality and outcomes, rather than procedure.

“The updated Levy guidelines also include practical resources such as case studies and a submission checklist.”

The Levy guidelines step out the processes to establish or amend an industry-driven levy. Agricultural levies are used to fund strategic industry priorities in: research and development, marketing, biosecurity emergency responses, biosecurity activities (for Animal Health Australia and Plant Health Australia membership), and national residue survey.

To access a copy of the Levy guidelines: How to establish or amend agricultural levies, please visit:

/Public Release. View in full here.