The Australian Paramedics’ Association (NSW) has been consistently highlighting failures at NSW Ambulance. Now the Productivity Commission (PC) has confirmed our ambulance service is among the worst performing in Australia.

In its annual Report on Government Services, released today, NSW Ambulance has the worst capital city response times in Australia, (20.8 minutes) with no improvement on last year.

Across the state, ambulance response times were 23.2 minutes, slower than last year and the second worst in Australia.

The Productivity Commission said NSW Ambulance paramedics treated 866,688 patents in 2017/18 and transported 698,914. The numbers transported to hospital increased by 28,000 over the past year.

Despite being forced to work harder to meet increasing demand, NSW paramedics received a massive vote of confidence from patients, with 98 per cent happy with the level of care provided.

In its Report, the Productivity Commission identified a major issue that the Australian Paramedics Association (NSW) has been campaigning on, finding that the NSW Government has the worst record in Australia for funding ambulance services. NSW spent $120 per head of population, less than the national average of $140. Only WA spends less but Victoria, Queensland and South Australian spend considerably more.

The following quotes can be attributed to Steve Pearce, APA (NSW) Secretary:

“This is a disappointing trend that shows how poorly the State Government treats the public. We should have much better response times but to do that we need more paramedics and ambulances,” Mr Pearce said.

“While the Berejiklian Government has announced 700 more paramedics over 4 years, we are well behind in the numbers of paramedics needed to meet the demand that is happening now.”

“Our paramedics are working every shift without a break and with 28,000 extra patients transported in 2017/18, this figure shows why paramedics are over worked and constantly under pressure to respond to the next job.”

“While it’s gratifying to see that the public is happy with the high level of care they receive once an ambulance arrives, it is clear the NSW Government is underfunding ambulance services.”

“There are not enough ambulances in some areas for every crew to respond to jobs when they arrive at an ambulance station to start work. We are concerned at the number of ambulances being shared between different areas to manage shortages and the numbers of ambulances off the road for repairs and maintenance.”

“The lack of funding is the reason there are huge problems with computers and communications equipment within NSW Ambulance. Paramedics have been trying to get better uniforms that don’t leave them overheated in summer and freezing in winter, for three years without result. The impact of the funding shortfall extends to every aspect of our work.”

“The Berejiklian Government is continually telling the public that NSW has no debt and a massive surplus but NSW Ambulance has insufficient funding to improve the appalling working conditions paramedics endure on the job,” Mr Pearce said.

“Paramedics are forced to keep working regardless of how tired they are at the conclusion of shifts in which the workload had become relentless.

“Paramedics are being told to continue working when they are suffering from acute fatigue. If they refuse, they are threatened with disciplinary action. Those who tell managers they are too tired to continue after 12, or even 14 hours or more on the job are subjected to outrageous bullying by NSW Ambulance.”

/Public Release.