In the last couple weeks of parliament, Robert and Mark met with various groups and challenged the government and other parliamentarians on several issues.
Robert Borsak
On Thursday, 15th August, the NSW Government introduced The Retail Trading Amendment (ANZAC Day Trading Hours) Bill 2024 to limit large retail from opening on ANZAC day. The far-left Neo-Marxist Greens, along with Alex Greenwich MP and Helen Dalton MP, tried to add the amendment banning the use of poker machines on the day, arguing that “diggers didn’t die for pokies.” Watch Robert call out the un-Australian, disloyal Greens, Greenwich and Dalton, and highlight the importance of RSL clubs to commemorate veterans and their contribution to our society.
Mark Banasiak
Private Members Statement – Boat Show
Recently, Mark was invited to attend the Sydney International Boat Show by the Boating Industry Association and the Minister for Transport’s office. At the show, the minister announced renewed funding for the Boating Now grant program, which is an issue he has been pursuing and campaigning on for close to two years.
The Greens attempted to move a bill that would create an independent office of animal welfare, separate from the government. While it has become apparent through the ongoing inquiry into the operation of the approved charitable organisations which Mark chairs, that changes are needed in this space, the Greens alternative isn’t it. Thankfully the proposed bill was voted down with a landslide of 6 ayes and 28 noes. Mark went through the bill line by line, it’s a long video but well worth a watch.
An issue that could have a profound impact on our regional communities and determine if they thrive or wither, is access to water. Mark has been following and eagerly awaiting the Expert Panel’s final report on water connectivity. The interim report made clear that there had been no appropriate modelling or analysis to assess the volumetric or socio-economic impact or even the environmental outcomes.