Premier Misses Mark On COI Implementation 23 May 2024

Tas Labor

Tasmanian Labor acknowledges the victim survivors, whistle-blowers and all others affected by instances of child sexual abuse in state settings and the Commission of Inquiry process.

Without the bravery of these people, we would be no closer to addressing the systemic issues which have led us to this point.

Unfortunately, we’re not as close to addressing the issues as we could be.

During his ministerial statement, the Premier repeatedly used the phrases “open and transparent”. His government’s handling of this process has been anything but.

The Premier and his government have continually obstructed attempts by the Parliament to scrutinise their handling of the process.

Today, Mr Rockliff admitted that one of the key reasons his government will fall short of implementing all of the urgent recommendations – which was supposedly his highest priority – was because he made the choice to call an early election.

Despite the repeated assurance that the Premier would prioritise children and young people, he chose to prioritise his political survival.

Tasmanian Labor will continue to hold the Premier and his government to account for their handling of this critical matter and we will support the establishment of a joint house committee to oversee the implementation of the recommendations.

Dean Winter MP

Labor Leader

Sarah Lovell MLC

Shadow Minister for Children & Youth

/Public Release. View in full here.