Proposed budget goes out for consultation

The City of Launceston has voted to send its proposed Annual Budget out for public consultation, with submissions closing on Thursday, May 5.

A capital works program totalling more than $18.2 million headlines the proposed 2022/23 Annual Budget.

Capital projects proposed in the budget include $800,000 to upgrade the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery’s popular children’s activity centre, the Phenomena Factory, $8.5 million for road, footpath and trail upgrades, $1.3million for parks and playground upgrades, and $1.5 million for new traffic signals at the junction of Invermay Rd and Lindsay Street.

Launceston Mayor van Zetten said the proposed general rate increase of 3.75 per cent was well below the annual Hobart CPI to December 2021 of 4.5 per cent, and that the Council had budgeted for an underlying deficit of $3.0 million for 2022/23.

When adopted, the annual plan and budget guide the decisions made within Council for the relevant financial year.

/Public Release. View in full here.