QUT Hosts National Battery Strategy Launch

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese released the first National Battery Strategy yesterday while visiting the QUT Advanced Battery Facility operated by the QUT Energy Storage Research Group at the QUT Banyo Pilot Plant Precinct.

The global demand for batteries is set to quadruple by 2030 as the world transitions to net zero, and the Federal Government’s Strategy maps a path for Australia to take advantage of this growth to build a thriving battery industry.

It identifies four high-value strategic opportunities:

  • Stationery storage – building Energy Storage Systems to firm renewable power generation in the national grid and for communities, businesses and homes.
  • Provide battery active materials to the world by upgrading raw minerals into processed battery components to strengthen battery supply chains.
  • Leveraging our world-leading know-how to build safer and more secure batteries connected to the grid.
  • Building batteries for our transport manufacturing industry, including heavy vehicle manufacturing.

Mr Albanese said the strategy was designed to harness Australia’s world-leading expertise in battery technology.

“We want to make more things here and with global demand for batteries set to quadruple by 2030, Australia must be a player in this field,” Mr Albanese said.

“Batteries are a critical ingredient in Australia’s clean energy mix. Together with renewable energy, green hydrogen, and critical minerals, we will meet Australia’s emission reduction targets and create a strong clean energy manufacturing industry.”

Associate Professor Joshua Watts

Associate Professor Joshua Watts, director of the QUT Energy Storage Research Group, said Australia had natural advantages across the whole battery value chain in battery materials.

“Australia is at the precipice of an incredible economic opportunity to supply the world with the commodities and products that are needed to meet the global clean energy transition while simultaneously fortifying our nation’s energy security,” Professor Watts said.

“We have all the critical minerals that are needed to make a diverse range of battery technologies which, combined with an abundant supply of renewable energy resources, can power and grow a sustainable battery manufacturing sector in Australia.

“QUT’s Advanced Battery Facility, in collaboration with other universities nationally, is ready to support local industry to innovate and take full advantage of the massive opportunity that lies ahead of us.”

QUT researchers have long been at the forefront of battery technology, including manufacturing Australia’s first lithium-ion battery in 2017 after establishing the Advanced Battery Facility as the country’s first facility with this capability.

The Advanced Battery Facility tests multiple types and sizes of battery systems in real-world conditions for Australian applications.

The QUT Banyo Pilot Plant Precinct is also home to the Queensland Energy Storage Technology (QUEST) Hub, which supports a wide range of industry partners to research, develop and commercialise battery materials, cells and systems across a diverse range of energy storage technologies.

Federal Minister for Industry and Science Ed Husic said Australia was a pioneer of battery technology.

“Yet for too long we’ve sent our ideas offshore and lost the good jobs they create,” Mr Husic said.

“A strong battery industry can supercharge our path to net zero and create a Future Made in Australia.

“Australia is moving beyond a ‘dig and ship’ economy to become a renewable energy superpower.

“It’s inexcusable that we supply half the global supply of lithium but produce less than one per cent of the world’s processed battery components.

“The global clean energy transition is happening – and we’ve got a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Australia to create more well-paid, secure jobs.”

/University Release. View in full here.