Recruitment Open For Vet Board Positions

Applications are now open for 9 positions on the Veterinary Practitioners Registration Board of Victoria (Vet Board).

The Vet Board helps protect public and animal health and welfare by regulating veterinarian practitioners in line with the Veterinary Practice Act 1997.

The Board’s responsibilities include registering appropriately qualified people as veterinary practitioners, conducting competency examinations for vets and investigating the professional conduct of registered practitioners.

It also issues guidelines about appropriate standards of veterinary practice and veterinary facilities and advises the Minister for Agriculture on any matters relating to the Veterinary Board’s functions.

Acting Executive Director at Agriculture Victoria, Kris Duthie, said they are looking for suitably qualified professionals from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines to serve a 3-year term.

‘We’re seeking candidates for 9 non-Executive Director roles including 6 registered veterinary practitioners, one legal practitioner and s community members with relevant experience, such as in finance, accounting, cyber and data governance, stakeholder communication and use of veterinary services.’

‘Registered veterinarians with relevant skills can also indicate their interest in being considered for the President and Deputy President positions.’

/Public Release. View in full here.