The results of the 2023 elections to RACS Council will be tabled at our Annual General Meeting in Christchurch on Thursday 9 May 2024, when newly elected Councillors will take office.
The pro bono contribution of Fellows has been and continues to be the College’s most valued asset and resource. We are grateful for their commitment and are also grateful to the voting Fellows (17.51%) who demonstrated their engagement with the governance of the College.
Congratulations to the successful candidates and sincere thanks to all candidates who nominated.
Fellowship Elected Councillors
There were five Fellowship Elected Councillor positions to be filled.
The successful candidates in alphabetical order are:
William Blake, Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, VIC (Newly elected to Council)
Ailene Fitzgerald, General Surgery, ACT (Newly elected to Council)
Nicola Hill, Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery, AoNZ (Re-elected to Council)
David King, Vascular Surgery, SA (Newly elected to Council)
Christine Lai, General Surgery, SA (Re-elected to Council)
Specialty Elected Councillors
There was one position to be filled in the following four specialties – only General Surgery went to election. The successful candidate was:
Specialty Elected Councillor Representing General Surgery
Gregory Keogh, NSW (Newly elected to Council)
The following were elected unopposed:
Specialty Elected Councillor Representing Cardiothoracic Surgery
Andrew Cochrane, VIC (Re-elected to Council)
Specialty Elected Councillor Representing Paediatric Surgery
Philip Morreau, AoNZ (Re-elected to Council)
Specialty Elected Councillor Representing Vascular Surgery
Roxanne Wu, QLD (Newly elected to Council)
The poll results are verified by Ms Katherine Langford of BigPulse.