SA Police joins the Tour Down Under for its 25th year with Operation Safe Cycling and event safety management.
South Australia Police will conduct a series of routine operations during the Santos Tour Down Under 2025 with a focus on safe cycling and public safety.
Police Commissioner Grant Stevens said police have prepared safety advice for cyclists, road users and spectators to make way for a successful major event.
“The Santos Tour Down Under will attract more cyclists across the city and South Australian regions. If ever there was a time to be very mindful of sharing the road, it’s now,” Commissioner Stevens said.
“All road users must be vigilant for cyclists. Drivers are used to looking for other larger vehicles like cars and trucks, but cyclists are smaller, quick and can be more difficult to see. Be extra vigilant especially around intersections and when executing left hand turns.
“Spectators sitting kerbside to watch the race should keep road edges clear to leave space for cyclists to overtake and for support vehicles to use. Spectators driving or starting cars near flammable bush or grass should be aware of the hazard this brings in starting a fire.
“For people travelling in the area, the Tour will feature rolling road closures that are outlined on the Santos Tour Down Under website. Plan ahead and leave time for possible delays in and around these areas.”
Police will have a highly visible presence to ensure a safe event for all. Members of the public can raise the assistance of police in person or by calling 131 444 or call 000 in the event of a life-threatening incident.
See road closures here Road Closures | Santos Tour Down Under.
More safety tips found here Safety | Santos Tour Down Under.
More cycling safety and road rules, visit SA.GOV.AU – Cyclist road rules and safety (
Fire Danger incidents and warnings see Incidents & warnings – CFS.