Save money with an energy scorecard assessment for your home

Kempsey Shire Council

Do you get a fright every time your power bill arrives? And no matter what you do to cut your electricity usage, your bill just keeps climbing? You might benefit from an energy assessment for your home!

What is a Residential Efficiency Scorecard?

The Residential Efficiency Scorecard Program is a nationwide, Government-accredited program that provides an energy efficiency rating and advice program for existing homes.

The Scorecard Program is an effective way for households to learn how to lower their energy costs and carbon emissions while making their homes more comfortable.

What happens in a Residential Efficiency Scorecard Assessment?

During your Scorecard assessment, the assessor will visit your home, discuss your goals and conduct a thorough on-site assessment. They will collect data in from your home’s fixed appliances and features, such as:

  • How your house is constructed and the materials used.

  • The size of each room

  • Window information including size, the kind of window. If there are blinds and curtains, pelmet and the direction the window faces.

  • How well insulated your home is

  • The hot water system

  • How your home is kept warm in the winter and cool in the summer

  • The lighting

  • Pool or spa

  • Solar power

This data is then used to generate your Scorecard Certificate and informs the conversation with your assessor.

Why should I get a scorecard assessment?

This program offers:

  • A clear pathway to reduce your energy costs and emissions

  • An in-home energy assessment and star rating for a home’s energy performance

  • Information showing the base cost to run your home

  • Assessment of both hot and cold weather performance of your property

  • Expert advice on ways to effectively reduce household energy costs and emissions while making your home more comfortable.

How much does a Residential Efficiency Scorecard cost?

A scorecard assessment may cost between $250-$500. The cost is set by the assessor and depends on the size of your home, its location and the complexity of the assessment.

For a relatively small investment, a scorecard assessment will help you to save money, as it teaches you how to use energy in your home more efficiently, highlights ways you can manage temperature during the summer and winter period, and how to use your appliances more efficiently.

/Public Release. View in full here.