Livestock yard infrastructure and picnic tables suitable for wheelchair users are among the projects funded through the Tasmanian Government’s latest round of grants.
Minister for Primary Industries and Water, Jane Howlett, said 10 show societies have been granted funds through the 2024-25 Agricultural Show Development Grants Program.
“The grants program supports our agricultural show societies so these iconic community events can continue to provide everyone in our regional communities with easy access and usability,” Minister Howlett said.
“Ten show societies across the State will share a total of $169,579 in funding through the Tasmanian Government’s Agricultural Show Development Grants Program.
“Our shows are all about showcasing the great things we are doing in agriculture, our prime produce and top-quality livestock and the talents of our community members.
“Doing that in a space that all members of our community can enjoy it and helping our show societies to improve and upgrade their facilities is important.
“We have extended the program for another three years as part of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future.”
Some of the projects to receive funding include:
A full list of the successful applicants will be available on the Department of Premier and Cabinet website at