South Australia Police to deploy officers to Alice Springs

South Australia Police will send four deployments of officers to Alice Springs following a request by Northern Territory police.

The 10 officers will be drawn from State Operations Support Branch and their deployment will not impact any metropolitan or regional response policing or planned operations such as next week’s Tour Down Under event.

The first eight-day rotation of officers is expected to leave Adelaide on Monday 6 January and be sworn in as officers of the Northern Territory Police Force.

The deployments follow a request from NT Police Commissioner Michael Murphy to SA Police Commissioner Grant Stevens for assistance.

A similar initiative in April last year saw 20 SA police officers successfully assist NT police in Alice Springs on week-long rotations.

Mr Stevens said SA police officers have previously been deployed both interstate and overseas to assist local police with natural disasters, major public events and large security and policing operations.

“The deployment of SA police officers to other jurisdictions is not unusual. Besides last year’s Alice Springs deployment, other recent examples of this happening include the Christchurch earthquake and CHOGM (Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting) to name a few,” he said.

“The deployments are made under a long-standing agreement that exists between all states.

“While the deployment comes at a time our resources are under pressure and fully committed with planned operations, I am confident our normal policing activities will not be impacted.

“We must also be mindful of the fact that we would rightly expect our jurisdictional neighbours to assist us if South Australia required additional support.”

Under the proposed deployment two rotations of ten SA Police officers will be sent to Alice Springs to assist local police. It is anticipated the deployment will end in early February.

The officers will be sworn in as Special Constables giving them the necessary powers and protections to undertake policing duties.

Each SA officer will be partnered with an NT police officer and be utilised patrolling high harm locations, licensed premises and engaging with unaccompanied youths.

Each of the officers being deployed are fully trained in cultural awareness and many have participated in similar policing operations conducted in South Australia.

/Public Release. View in full here.