Statement from Sally McManus – Never underestimate workers in Australia

This afternoon the Morrison government anti-worker, anti-union attack was busted in the senate.

After months of intense campaigning by union members across the country Labor, Greens, One Nation and Jacqui Lambie voted against the Ensuring Integrity Bill meaning the Morrison government and Centre Alliance could not pass it into law.

Members from unions all over the country campaigned to stop this law.

Workers from all walks of life made the case to the Senate cross bench about why the bill was bad for workers, jobs, wages and Australia.

Congratulations on your hard work.

Without your efforts and the efforts of hundreds of thousands of working people across Australia a law designed to hurt the rights of working people would now be law.

Working people have stood up against an attack on democratic rights and won.

This campaign has shown that union members work in all parts of Australia, doing all kinds of jobs and are all kinds of people. Union members stand up for secure work, fair pay and decent treatment both in our workplaces and our communities.

We do not give up.

/Public Release. View in full here.