The Tasmanian Government is absolutely committed to ensuring our regional and rural communities continue to grow and prosper, and that our visitor economy remains strong.
A critical part of this is maintaining aviation capacity into, and across our State.
Many of our regional and remote communities and our Tasmanian businesses rely on our airlines to deliver essential products and services, connect them to other areas of Tasmania and the mainland and provide freight, mail and logistics.
These aviation services are also important to our tourism and hospitality industries which inject around $3.5 billion in visitor spending into the Tasmanian economy.
That’s why I am concerned that Rex Airlines has announced that it has entered Voluntary Administration.
Rex Airlines plays an important role in our regional communities, particularly King Island, and we absolutely stand ready to work with the Commonwealth Government on a pathway forward.
This morning, I contacted the Prime Minister to stress how important Rex’s regional services are to Tasmania, particularly the north west coast and King Island.
Firstly, I welcomed his openness to exploring options to support regional routes. This is appreciated.
I have made it clear that we can’t afford for our regional services to stop as the social and economic impact would be significant.
The Minister for Transport, Minister Abetz has also written to his federal counterpart Catherine King to highlight the situation for Tasmania.
The Department of State Growth is also working with the King Island Council and shipping and freight companies to ensure that the Island has adequate supplies and services.
I have spoken to the Mayors of King Island, Burnie and Devonport, and will continue to do so as the situation unfolds.
I will also keep in regular contact with key stakeholders in Devonport and Burnie.
I am advised that regional services, including to King Island, have not currently been impacted but flights to Hobart have been cancelled.
I will continue to be briefed on the situation as it unfolds and will update the community as new information becomes available.
I remain hopeful of a positive outcome for our regional communities, and I will continue to work with the Commonwealth Government on a pathway forward.