Student nurse accommodation positive news for Roma

The new Roma Hospital has secured a sweetener to attract and retain staff with the Palaszczuk Government investing $5.95 million to build the first permanent student nurse accommodation for the facility and town.

Funding has been allocated through the state’s $40 million Growth Area and Regional Infrastructure Investment Fund (GARIIF), with works to begin by the end of the year.

Minister for State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning Cameron Dick said Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) will construct up to 25 new accommodation units with communal open space.

“The project is expected to support 17 jobs during construction, with sustained positive employment outcomes for many years to come,” Mr Dick said.

“Our investment will maximise the benefits of the $70 million new Roma Hospital, currently under construction, and will help South West Hospital and Health Service secure the best possible staff.

“This all equates to better health services for the region, stronger community and social connections, and improved learning opportunities for Queensland nurses.

“EDQ will manage the delivery of the accommodation precinct, and will engage with stakeholders, including student nurses, on its design and features.”

Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Steven Miles said the new accommodation would help keep talented nurses in the region.

“Historically, student nurses have stayed in demountable units in the Roma Hospital grounds, or in motels and other short-stay accommodation,” Mr Miles said.

“It’s always felt temporary for them.

“This proposed high-quality shared accommodation precinct will provide that sense of permanency; that sense of belonging to the region and serving it with pride.”

Mr Dick said the Palaszczuk Government’s coordinated approach to delivering infrastructure is benefitting all Queenslanders.

“GARIIF, along with our $295 million Building our Regions initiative, is making our state stronger by stimulating work and boosting local economies,” he said.

Learn more about the Palaszczuk Government’s infrastructure policy and investment.

/Public Release. View in full here.