Universities Australia welcomes the Victorian Government’s decision to provide free university and specialist training for thousands of nurses and midwives.
With an ageing population, Australia will require more skilled health workers to meet patient demand in the future. Universities have a crucial role to play in training the workforce of tomorrow, to ensure Australians continue receiving the care they need.
Universities Australia Chief Executive Catriona Jackson said the Victorian Government’s announcement reinforced the importance of universities in training our future workforce.
“Australia’s health system is founded on a quality workforce of skilled and capable health professionals who receive their training at university,” Ms Jackson said.
“We know, however, that our health system is under significant pressure at the same time there is an acute need for more healthcare professionals in areas like nursing and midwifery.
“The last thing we need is to place even more pressure on the professionals who continue to work around the clock to care for Australians in their time of need.
“We congratulate the Victorian Government for developing an initiative which recognises these pressures and opens the door for the next generation of nurses and midwives.
“Victorian universities look forward to working with the Government to deliver this initiative, and working closely with health services to grow the additional clinical training capacity that will be needed.
“We will use our seat at the table of the Government’s Jobs and Skills Summit this week to put forward a range of solutions designed to address Australia’s skills shortages – including in the health workforce.
“Our bright future is dependent on ensuring Australia has a pipeline of workers that employers and the economy need to thrive.”