Science News | Page 222

NYU to Join NSF-Backed AI-Based Climate Modeling Center
CSIRO’s technology transfer success recognised in commercialisation industry awards
Successful mapping raises hope of reintroducing eastern quoll to mainland Australia
Two UTokyo physicists win Breakthrough Prize
Not even global pandemic can stop poor hand hygiene, Curtin study finds
QLD pharmacists ready to immunise +12 years against Covid
Sydney University’s Master of Management ranked first in Australia
Remembering 1981 Springbok tour
Sea ice history sheds light on future climate change impact on Antarctic plankton
University spin-out Gelion to make next-gen batteries in Sydney
CSIRO team representing Australia in ‘robot Olympics’
Lifeline encourages connection this World Suicide Prevention Day
FDA-approved drugs reduced SARS-CoV-2 infection in lab
$25M center will use digital tools to ‘communicate’ with plants
Past fires may hold key to reducing severity of future wildfires in western US
Weaving inclusivity, style into wearable tech
NASA approves $4 million in funding for Penn State led ATHENA consortium
Mining waste could be used as an ingredient for cheaper hydrogen fuel production
Childhood gender nonconformity in boys linked to early androgens
New University role to build innovation and policy links in Greater Manchester
Australians remain stoic and community focused as lockdowns continue, social media analysis shows
Principles for reopening Australia
R U OK? Swinburne encourages checking in and checking out to revitalise and recharge
R U OK? Day: Ask your pharmacist if they’re ok
More innovative measures needed to achieve smokefree goal – study
WA’s streaming pioneer to help inspire next generation of start-ups
No genetic link between male pattern baldness and Covid severity
Math researchers find new ways to improve science of ‘trade-offs’
Providing industry-engaged learning with VET ICT partnerships
Butterflies feed on live young to steal chemicals for ‘wedding gifts’
Listening for marine life at Davis 9 September 2021
How martial arts could help take load off your back
Ladies, let’s talk about good mood food
Penn State partners with two universities for diversity in materials research
AI startup Cohere raises US$40-million for natural language software: Globe and Mail
Western Australian GPs awarded top honours
Video fake news believed more, shared more than text and audio versions
Inspired by Metamorphosis, Researchers Create Materials For Shape-Shifting Architecture
$150 million missions to boost Australian agriculture and food sectors
Ida’s remnants struck idling cold front for historic deluge
NIH grant aims to reveal how smoking causes disease
Climate progress requires competition, not cooperation, with China
Scientists Create Artificial Cells That Mimic Living Cells’ Ability to Capture, Process, and Expel Material
Long-distance relationships for endangered corals
People influence others – for better or worse
Visionary research celebrated with Fellowships
CPAP and oxygen have similar impact on mortality of Covid patients that wouldn’t benefit from intensive care
Mu and C.1.2 coronavirus variants