Latest AI News | Page 5

HKUST Introduces Asia’s First “AI Lecturers” in Class to Promote Teaching Innovation
80% of Australians think AI risk is a global priority. The government needs to step up
Teaching STEM To Two Year Olds Can Be As Easy As ABC
Torrens University and Xaana.AI: shaping the future of AI education together
Emotion-tracking AI on the job: Workers fear being watched – and misunderstood
Corporates Answering COP28 Call On Energy Efficiency
Radware 2024 report: malicious web application and API transactions rise 171% driven by layer 7 web DDoS attacks
Predicting Glaucoma Progression
APS trials generative AI to explore safe and responsible use cases for government
What is a GPU? An expert explains the chips powering the AI boom, and why they’re worth trillions
Successful Launch Into Space
Transcript: The launch of the St Vincent’s Discovery and Innovation campaign by Professor Chennupati Jagadish
Boost for research, investment and innovation for Australia’s biosecurity
One million ‘Introduction to AI’ scholarships available to Australians
QPRC Artists Now Competing For $17,500 In Prizes
Education and skills for the future: insights from sector leaders
Demand for computer chips fuelled by AI could reshape global politics and security
ASC Workshop Shines Light On Responsible AI In Sport
Your face for sale: anyone can legally gather and market your facial data without explicit consent
Biden executive order on sensitive personal information does little for now to curb data market – but spotlights the threat the market poses
AIMS Helps Samoa Step Up Coral Reef Monitoring
In 2024, we’ll truly find out how robust our democracies are to online disinformation campaigns
Artificial Intelligence reveals prostate cancer is not just one disease
It’s a scam! Celebrities are not getting rich from online investment trading platforms
Ross McEwan And Andrew Irvine Join RN Breakfast
Microsoft celebrates suppliers’ bold ambitions empowering communities
Free AI Education For Small And Medium Businesses
AI Reveals Secret Roads Endangering World’s Rainforests
One million ‘Introduction to AI’ scholarships available to Australians
AI could transform ethics committees
We’ve been here before: AI promised humanlike machines – in 1958
From humble beginnings to global impact: what Quitch did next
Algorithms are pushing AI-generated falsehoods at an alarming rate. How do we stop this?
Public Hearing – Defence Annual Report 2022-23: Ukraine, Defence Health, AI & Autonomous Weapons, Armaments
HP Unveils Broadest Consumer Portfolio of AI-Enhanced Laptops: Your Personal AI Assistant in a Portable Package
Australia Post inks deal with Salesforce to support its digital transformation strategy
Four ways AI could be used for good
Majority of companies think AI will play a crucial role in critical business decisions in the future, survey reveals
HKUST Welcomes 2024-2025 Budget
Northern Gritstone and Parkwalk Advisors make £3.5 million Seed Round investment in ground-breaking computational medicine company adsilico
UNOSAT 2023 Year in Review: Fostering Resilience and Innovation Worldwide
AI-Driven Lab Speeds Catalysis Research
LinkedIn’s latest research illuminates the crucial role of talent development in a world of work transformed by AI
Using AI to enhance satellite imagery to monitor our planet
Expert tests if AI can help teach students accounting
A healthy outlook: Building a workforce to shape the AI frontier
What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves
Robots Are Coming In Fantastical On-stage Adventure