Latest Antarctica News | Page 15

Sir Rob Fenwick passes away
Final voyage of icebreaker Aurora Australis departs
Gender equality central to Antarctic endeavours
With new federal funding, University researchers aid global effort to understand and control
New symphony celebrates a life of icy service
Nuyina delayed arrival into Hobart
First Hercules flight from Australia to our Antarctic ice runway
Antarctic floating ice walls protect against warming seas
Fuel munching microbes clean up Antarctica
Deep-sea coral gardens discovered in canyons off Australia’s South West
Seeking artistic inspiration from deep south
Weather window opens for Wilkins ice runway
Turbulent times revealed on Asteroid 4 Vesta
Net-zero by 2050 not enough, Australia’s leading climate scientists say
Southern Ocean science at speed of light
Model project to improve sea level rise projections
EarthTalks: Richard Alley discusses collapsing ice sheets, coastal communities
Wilkins Runway Delayed Opening
Nuclear watchdog sniffs wind at Mawson
Reducing human impact in Antarctic: Report
Biodiversity hotspots revealed by remote-controlled mini-sub
Ancient Antarctic ice melt increased sea levels by 3+ metres – and it could happen again
Women in STEM at forefront of climate response
Layered lakes in Vestfold Hills
Cultured worms used to assess contamination in Antarctic sites
Looking for tiny plants in a salty desert
Calls for Government to Buy an Emergency Response Fleet
Selecting a suitable site
Australian Antarctic Program precautionary measures against novel coronavirus
New icebreaker propels to life
Shining a light on deep sea cables
Getting personal with penguins
Australia lands precision Antarctic airdrop
Australia’s proposed Antarctic aerodrome open for comment
Remarks, Australian of Year Recipients Morning Tea
Coolest way to become an Aussie
Antarctic neighbours meet for science symposium
Residents ready to mark Australia Day
Mobile protected areas needed to protect biodiversity in high seas
Sealers’ ships immortalised on remote Heard Island
NASA’s icy mission
2019 Antarctic rewind
Mawson landing area moves inland
Cornell geologists detect rapid ‘ice stream’ at Arctic glacier
Take your career south
Scientists peer beneath Antarctic ice sheet to understand future climate vulnerability
Barrels of ancient Antarctic air aim to track history of rare gas
Award for collaborative marine ecosystem research